Category: Photographs


Permalink 11:49:15 am, 878 words, 6148 views  
Categories: Photographs, Story of a Photograph

Story of a Photograph - Cast Away

Cast Away
This is the first story that starts a series of many similar stories about photographs. In this story I want to tell about one of my favorite photographs – “Cast Away”. As any picture we take this one has its own story. And this story will continue a bit after the photograph was taken. The post-processing manipulations will be covered at the end of this story.

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Permalink 04:06:19 pm, 58 words, 1112 views  
Categories: Photographs

The Art of Photography Show

Art of Photography
There is "an international exhibition of photgraphic art, featuring the best of the best from around the globe." This exhibition is held in San Diego at Lyceum Theatre. The doors are open April 4 - June 4, 2006.
Well, I am not going. For me and for those who are not going, we can see some of the photographs from the exhibition.

Permalink 03:08:45 pm, 32 words, 1183 views  
Categories: Photographs

Martha Casanave Photography

Martha Casanave
I continued my walk through the gallery of pinhole photographs. And here is another name - Martha Casanave. Her gallery "Coastal Pinholes" is like magic. You have to see it to understand why.

Permalink 02:49:14 pm, 83 words, 1043 views  
Categories: Photographs

Herbert Boettcher Photography

Before this minute I was not that much impressed with architectural photography. Oh, yes, there are many interesting buildings and scenes. Many photographs are quite interesting, but the photographs of Herbert Boettcher take it to another level. The only thing is that his website is extrimely slow (at least from where I am accessing it).
The interesting thing is that I came across his photographs in a gallery of pinhole photographs. If you scroll down, you will see those bright and captivating photographs.


Permalink 06:56:02 pm, 9 words, 1156 views  
Categories: Photographs

Charles Miller Photography

Charles Miller
The galleries of beautiful pictures created by Charles Miller.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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