Category: General Photography


Permalink 01:29:38 pm, 116 words, 7092 views  
Categories: Photographs, General Photography

Photos and Insights of Michalel "Nick" Nickols

Michael Nichols

For some people the life of Michael "Nick" Nichols could be a dream, which came true (but only for very few). Michael is an adventure photographer. Yes, he travels into jungles and other wild places (or is it better so say wilderness?). But his work is not about the fun or getting the best picture - it's mission-oriented (read in "How do I become an adventure photographer?"):

What’s important to me is if somebody says "yeah, I saw this picture in National Geographic of a tiger carrying a cub," not that they saw "a Nick Nichols picture."

Well, you got the point. But have you seen his photographs or read his articles? Now is the time.


Permalink 03:22:11 pm, 82 words, 964 views  
Categories: Studio Photography, Equipment, General Photography

Strobist - Flash Study and Experience

This blog is about flash photography. There you will find a lot of articles and tricks regarding small shoe-mounted flashes, which you can carry with you and easily use in various situations. But small doesn't mean weak or ineffective. Some of the photographs created on assignments (presented on the website) display a creative approach with interesting possibilities that you can tuck under your belt. Check it out!
Note: The photograph presented here is taken from one of the assignments on the website.


Permalink 01:41:57 pm, 77 words, 22501 views  
Categories: General Photography

Composition: Positive and Negative space

Positive Negative Space
In painting art classes they teach more then usualy you could learn in photography school. And here is the article about "Composition - A Primer on Positive and Negative space" by Michael Fulks at Apogee Photo Magazine. In this article you will learn why you have to care about the space in the frame around your subject, and why the tree growing "out of" your uncle's head is not simple funny but destroys the balance within the image.

Permalink 01:30:41 pm, 66 words, 583 views  
Categories: General Photography - Photo tricks and fundmanetals


Taking better photos has more to do with attitude than technique, knowing a few tricks can only help... Photonhead offers a blend of photographic concepts and tips for the digital era. Shopping for digital cameras? Visit the buying guide for a look at new and popular models. Don't miss the SimCam, a great way to learn about exposure. Enjoy your visit and remember: take more pictures!


Permalink 11:24:46 am, 45 words, 711 views  
Categories: General Photography

ACDSee Digital Photography Tips

Acdsee, which provides the powerful tools to manage your photographs, has several articles about digital photography - "Digital Photography Tips". These articles cover topics from "Exposure Tolerance of Typical Small Format (35mm style) Digital Capture Files" to "Underwater Photography: Starter Tips and Ideas" and "Creative Experimentation".

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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