Category: General Photography


Permalink 12:50:18 pm, 118 words, 643 views  
Categories: General Photography

Learn and Promote via eZine Articles

eZine Author Expert
Somewhere in the vast cosmos of Internet a website eZineArticles has found its place. And I have to say that they have grown quite large and host a lot of articles on various topics. One of the topics is Photography.
And it's not only a good resource to learn stuff, but you can promote your website through them. How? First of all, there are some rules - anybody can host your article if they provide link back to your website. So, just submit an article (the more the better), and first they and then other people will host your articles and point to your website. It means that you will get links to your website from many other places.


Permalink 12:56:40 pm, 63 words, 874 views  
Categories: General Photography

DigicamHelp - Place to start your photography journey


In pursue of search for more advanced photography techniques sometimes I forget about the beginners in this art or those who are looking for a place to start. And here is a nice place go -

Easy-to-understand information about digital cameras, accessories, image editing and more. Digicamhelp is simply one of the easiest places on the web to learn about digital photography!

Permalink 12:44:23 pm, 75 words, 761 views  
Categories: General Photography

Photography Articles by Chuck Doswell

Chuck Doswell
Sometimes we realizie that we don't know some basic things about photography. I, for instance, still won't be able to tell you the aperture numbers :). And I realize that there are many folks that would want to read a good article about "Some Basic Elements of Photography", which was written by Chuck Doswell. Or if you know those basics and want to move on, here is another article by Chuck - "Some More Advanced Photography Skills".



Permalink 01:46:47 pm, 54 words, 1043 views  
Categories: General Photography

Beyond Shotz: A Monthly Photo Journal From Photo Enthusiasts

Beyond Shotz

This issue is a special one. It brings forth a bouquet of articles telling the story of our society. Leading us to places where we rarely go, talking about the people who we rarely hear about, showing us pictures of those who are at the very edge of our society and telling their stories.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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