Category: General Photography


Permalink 03:40:32 pm, 112 words, 1484 views  
Categories: General Photography

Pinhole Photography Resources

Many times before I heard about pinhole photography. Some of the photographs taken with a pinhole camera appeared in photography forums and galleries. Though I've never looked deeper into this subject. It seems photographs taken with such a camera (a box and a hole) has their own appeal and magic. Previous posts here referred to some of such photographs. For those of us who is interested to learn more about pinhole photography there is a good set of links reagarding this subject at Pinhole Visions.
Some other photographs has that spooky feeling. Watching somebody's life through a hole? Maybe. Well, that feeling moved me to create this freaky image for this post.


Permalink 09:57:01 am, 1098 words, 11747 views  
Categories: Equipment, General Photography

Do we really need that high frames per second rate?

Yawning Tiger
Many people (and sometimes me) seem to measure the worthiness of a camera buy its features (or quantity of those). One of the features is the number of frames per second (FPS) the camera take. The higher the number, the better. But I want to ask us a question: Do we really need that high frames per second rate?
Do you have the answer to this question? If not than may be I can provide something that would give you an idea whether you need that thing or not. This is just my view on this subject, and applies to the ways I use the camera and the kind of photography I do. Though some applications could have parallels with your work.

=> Read more!


Permalink 01:44:41 pm, 123 words, 1380 views  
Categories: General Photography

The Projections of an Object in Photography (and more)

Want to learn more about composition? Ok, then here is a PDF "Artistic Composition for Computer Graphics" where Bruce Gooch and Mario Costa Sousa explain some of the rules of composition. For example:

Artists have their own heuristics for choosing a viewing direction that are reasonably consistent with the psychology results: pick an off-axis view from a natural eye height. Direct 45 degree angles are avoided. Another rule is to have the projections of front/side/top of the object to have relative areas of 4/2/1 on the canvas (often expressed as 55%/30%/15%). The front and side dimensions can be exchanged depending on the object.

This document is full of concise explanations of such rules. You may learn a few (if not many) things about composition.

Permalink 01:17:47 pm, 127 words, 4799 views  
Categories: General Photography

Top 10 Tips for Painting Composition

Painting Composition
You have probably read quite a few books on photography in order to learn or polish your skills on composition techniques. And there is always something else to learn. I know that feeling. Though there are things that could be picked up from a sister (or maybe even mother) of Photography - Painting. Many techniques and laws originate from the art of painting. That's why you don't have to forget the resources related to painting.
In article named "Top 10 Tips for Painting Composition" you will find several great tips (which I had no idea of) that could improve your photography skills even further.

Note: The image in this post is a photograph, which I took some time ago and for this post tried to "convert" into a painting.


Permalink 01:45:31 pm, 112 words, 1228 views  
Categories: General Photography

How to Control Tone and Contrast in BW Conversion

BW ConversionThis article is a new and better version of an existing one (called "Complex Black and White Conversion) that was revamped specially for you. It explains how to select and manipulate tone and contrast compostions in conversion of a color image into a black and white image, and how to add some effects and finally present it. The process may appear to be complex and cumbersome, but it provides a lot of possibilities to control the contrast and tones using a mix of channels and variations of blending modes.
I would realy apreciate your feedback on this article, because I am going to redo the other 50+ articles. That's why every critique counts.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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