Category: General Photography


Permalink 08:38:56 am, 17 words, 1611 views  
Categories: Studio Photography, Wedding Photography, General Photography

March/April Issue of the Lens Online Magazine

Lens Online
A bi-monthly online magazine published by CPQ Professional Imaging. You can see prior issues in the archive.


Permalink 04:21:49 pm, 88 words, 5614 views  
Categories: General Photography, Web & Presentation

How long will your digital prints really last?

There are different papers, printers and inks. And, of course, there are different conditions where the prints are stored or diplayed. All of it affect the longetivity of the print. You probably heard or read about different lifespans of a digital print, but were those statements as true as it realy is? The following article (in PDF file) casts some light on when you can expect the skin tones on your photo turn green (or yellow?).
Want to learn more? Here is the list of articles for you.

Permalink 03:40:08 pm, 85 words, 1440 views  
Categories: General Photography

Infrared Basketball Photography

Infrared Basketball
Photo by Tom Dahlin
Illuminated by two sources: Dahlin's ceiling mounted Dynalights and the floor level IR flash. Here the ceiling strobes were used to add a little fill light to the background, and were dialed down to be about 1 stop below the floor strobe.

What an interesting approach to sport photography. Read the article on about an assignment where the client was "... looking for unique images beyond the standard through the glass, overhead, and post remotes stuff we all shoot so much of ...".


Permalink 02:24:32 pm, 74 words, 1346 views  
Categories: General Photography

Concert Photography Turotial

Constant changes of focus, distance, composition and position of the subject in dim light represent some of the obstacles that a photographer encounters in a "concert environment". You may try to use flash if allowed or rely on the vibrant and unpredictable stage lights, but you have to complete the assignment and produce great photographs. Such job is not for everyone, though for those brave ones there is a tutorial written by Steve Mirarchi.


Permalink 08:49:34 am, 90 words, 1444 views  
Categories: General Photography

Meaning in Composition


This lesson (written by Kevin Ferrara) any photographer should learn. There Kevin teaches us about meaningful composition:

By "meaningful composition" I mean a composition that is "abstractly informative in a psychological or symbolic way". So what elements of a composition can be "abstractly informative in a psychological or symbolic way"? In short, just about anything related to the craft of composing pictures: The Shapes, the Lines, the Colors, the justaposition of elements, the framing, and on and on. Everything except the subject matter, which is real or "concrete", not abstract. "

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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