Category: General Photography


Permalink 01:10:55 pm, 218 words, 2808 views  
Categories: General Photography

Adjusting Depth-Of-Field (DOF)

[DOF Diagram]
Are the existing standards and tables to calculate DOF correct for current equipment (considered the technology advance through out the years)? Harold M. Merklinger says "No". He says that "... one could expect to achieve about seven times the resolution usually assumed in that wisdom (current approach to calculate DOF)".
"According to the theories of geometrical optics, a lens focused at distance ‘X’ will require that, for maximum sharpness, the subject be positioned exactly at distance ‘X’. In practice, it is found that if the subject is a little closer or a little farther away, even the best scientific instrumentation will not be able to detect the difference in sharpness. So, in practice, there is a zone within which any subject will be imaged “sharply”, or with acceptable sharpness. That zone of lens-to-subject distances is the depthof-field." - That was the excerpt from Harold M. Merklinger's article called "Adjusting Depth-Of-Field". This article was posted in Shutterbug magazine through several issues (there are four parts). At his website Harold keeps this article for people to read (which I strongly recommend). Here are the links to it: Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV. There is one more web page that compliments this article, it is called "Depth of Field Revisited", which you probably would want to read as well.

Permalink 12:45:42 pm, 269 words, 2756 views  
Categories: Equipment, General Photography

Possible Issues Or Limitations with EOS Capture

[EOS Capture Screen]
Yesterday I had problem with tethering the Canon 1D Mark II and Mac PowerBook. I've installed all the latest software and updates. And when I tried to control the caemra from the laptop, I could do almost everything (change the exposure settings, ISO and exposure correction), but I could not make to relase the shutter. It took me a couple of hours to try all imaginable choices, looking through the manuals and searching on the web. It seemed that everyone else was able to do it without problems.
My EOS Capture window looked as in the screenshot to the left. I pressed the spacebar or the shutter button in the window, but nothing happened. The only thing that changed is that small message in the status bar. It is saying "Quiet, delayed shutter". The message appears for a few seconds and then it is gone. So finally I gave up, I could not find the solution to this problem.
My last resort was the Rob Galbraith Forum on Canon 1D cameras. After a few hours I was relieved to get a hint on the problem. Actually I got the solution - This message was about one of the personal functions set to make the shutter sound quiter. So, first the shutter opens up, closes and only when you relase the shutter button the mirror goes back to its place. And after changing the personal function back everything started working as it suppose to. I am very grateful for the help I got from the guys at the forum. And for those who may encounter similar problem I post this message.


Permalink 12:47:11 pm, 223 words, 1738 views  
Categories: Equipment, General Photography

"How-to" with Flash

Many photographers use flash as the main source of light or to fill-in and add special effects. This post started with the look at Neil Turner's website, who does a lot of portrait work using flash. There you can see a series of techniques on how to use flash in such work.
If you are interested to know more about the flash and how it works, I suggest to take a look at a great article about Canon Flash. Nikonians can read more about almost the same subject in another articles: "Flash Photography with Nikon F4, Nikon F5 and/or other Nikon AF SLR models" and "Notes on using Nikon TTL flash".
You may be interested in more flash techniques, which are described by John Lehmann. He explains very interesting effects that you can do with flash. For those who just wants to start with basics I recommend the article "Greap Pictures with Flash" at or "Flash Basics" by Guy Parson.
And here are several more links, which cover various flash usage:


Permalink 08:34:31 am, 125 words, 1459 views  
Categories: Wedding Photography, General Photography

Spirit of Wedding Photographer

With time you learn new things, find out how better handle different situations and generally how make your life better and easier. There is no difference with my wedding photography thing. But if my previous article “My Wedding Photography Experience” I tried to address immediate technical issues, such as flash, lenses, battery, focusing and metering, etc. This article is more about what drives and makes the wedding photographer. Of course, I cannot make any standards in the industry or suggest any guidelines for those who start in this field. This only my view on the wedding photography and what I find makes it better and easier for everyone – clients and photographers. Though you may find it useful in you ventures and even in day-to-day situations.


Permalink 01:16:52 pm, 103 words, 1540 views  
Categories: General Photography, Photoshop and Effects

Digital Photography Workflow

Many people know and do certain steps in digital photography, which get them closer to the ultimate photograph. Some of those steps are more like misteps or jumps. I am no different from any of you and I read about or "invent" (like anothe bycicle) some of such techniques. So I decided to look into this subject a bit deeper and here are several articles that could help us out in search of the utlimate photograph:

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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