Category: General Photography


Permalink 05:38:29 pm, 61 words, 1989 views  
Categories: Studio Photography, Wedding Photography, Equipment, General Photography

Articles by James Booth

Out there is a ZATZ magazine (just learned about it), where the Senior Editor James Booth has written a lot of articles regarding photography. Among those articles I was interested in "The art of amateur wedding photography" (part I, part II and part III) and Wedding photography mishaps.
But you will find much more articles written by James. Check it out.

Permalink 05:18:54 pm, 106 words, 1602 views  
Categories: Business of photography, Equipment, General Photography

"Do It Yourself" in Photography

For those of us fellow photographers, who has a very limited budget, but knows how to use their heads and hands, I dedicate this post :). Here is the list of links to websites, where you can find how to do the whole bunch of things for photography:

Permalink 04:41:04 pm, 100 words, 2850 views  
Categories: Business of photography, General Photography

Legality and Copyright for Photographers

We often take pictures of people, buildings and events and may not realize what laws we are breaking when take, process and use those pictures. Or sometimes we don't know what we can do and how to defend ourselves from people who claim that we've done something wrong. Well, check out the following articles:


Permalink 01:38:53 pm, 778 words, 4547 views  
Categories: General Photography, Photoshop and Effects

RAW vs. JPEG Controversy

Well many of you know about the unending battle between RAW and JPEG camps. There is a good article "Cost Analysis: RAW vs. JPEG" at (you have to register there to see the article - free and easy). Jim Tweedie who wrote the article gives us good facts about how much it takes to take, process and keep the RAW files (time is money). Though I may not agree with all of his points, they are very valid ones.

=> Read more!


Permalink 06:56:07 pm, 71 words, 1450 views  
Categories: General Photography

Photography PodCasts

Recently I bought an iPod and catched the flu - podcasts and video stuff that could be played and watch on the iPod. So, I browsed the web and here are a few links to photography related podcasts:

And you may want to check

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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