Category: General Photography


Permalink 01:17:29 pm, 36 words, 1430 views  
Categories: General Photography, Photoshop and Effects

Tutorials at

On the website you will find a whole bucnh of tutorials on digital photography. A few of which I would like to point out:

Permalink 10:44:20 am, 40 words, 1278 views  
Categories: General Photography

Invisible Light

If you are in infrared photography then the website "Invisible Light" is your source for related information. This website offers not only photographs, but links to books, articles and other resources. Just spend a bit more time following those links.

Permalink 10:07:16 am, 69 words, 1478 views  
Categories: General Photography

Beware False Reality

An interesting article about using photography to distort reality - as it was done in the last century (or even earlier). And I would notice that in those times Photoshop was not an option :).
This article has a bit more to me, because it has examples from the past of my motherland - Russia. Those examples describe how Soviet Government used photography for propaganda and adjusted the truth to their wishes.


Permalink 10:44:24 pm, 24 words, 1225 views  
Categories: General Photography

Articles by Galen Rowell

Another fruitfull website beatifully called "Mountain Light" with many inspirational articles. There you can find as well many creative photographs of nature and landscapes.

Permalink 10:41:27 pm, 80 words, 1205 views  
Categories: General Photography

Flash in Nature and Landscape Photography

While searching for George Lepp and his articles on the web (see previous post) I found an interesting article with a technique about using flash in nature and landscape photography. It's called "Flash Magic" - Interview by Rob Sheppard. And while you are there, don't forget to look at other articles on this website. Such as "Learning from a Master" by Moose Peterson.

Here is another article on flash in nature and landscape photography - Smart Flash Outdoors by Galen Rowell.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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