Category: General Photography


Permalink 10:25:10 pm, 8 words, 1219 views  
Categories: General Photography

Bernstein & Andriulli Photography

Simply visit the gallery and enjoy the photos.

Permalink 10:09:19 pm, 99 words, 1594 views  
Categories: General Photography, Photoshop and Effects

Unexpected gift from Microsoft

I just watched the latest podcast from, where they mentioned about a photographer called George Lepp. And they mentioned some unobvious link on the Microsoft website - What could possible Microsoft offer to a photographer, right? Wrong. It appears this portion of the software giant's website offers very interesting articles. One of those is about basic tone and color in Photoshop - Photoshop CS2 Workflow, Chapter 5 (26 pages!). As you see it's Chapter #5 already. I tried to locate previous chapters, but no luck. Check out this website - there are more interesting stuff to read, but no archives.


Permalink 01:09:56 pm, 54 words, 2291 views  
Categories: News, Business of photography, General Photography

Digital Photography Journal

Rarely when you find a good website or blog related to photography. But here is a jewel, which is called Digital Photography Journal. They have almost everything - news, reviews, photography tips, business of photography, photoshop techniques and even directory of websites. Check it out - you won't regret. This a good material for your bookmark.


Permalink 02:48:05 pm, 52 words, 1524 views  
Categories: General Photography, Photoshop and Effects

Scoop of Links

Some days we wander in the maze of world wibe web and bump into things. Some of those things are worthy for a second look or a bookmark. And here is a list of some, which I found just recently:

Permalink 11:55:54 am, 106 words, 2788 views  
Categories: Wedding Photography, Equipment, General Photography

Flash is a tricky business

Many times the photographers could rely only on the flash. The light could be so dim or so weird, and there is no other choice as to introduce your own light - flash, to be able record the moment or correct the light. Everything would be great if using flash is easy, but there are many issues that affect the final image. Wading the waters of the Internet I found a good article with examples on use of flash. It is called Flash Techniques, written by Neil van Niekerk. That's a good read and should clear up a few issues you may have had with your flash.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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