Category: General Photography


Permalink 02:32:15 pm, 98 words, 1296 views  
Categories: General Photography, Photoshop and Effects

Photoshop Things

It started with a message from my friend. He's sent a link to Photoshop Killer Tips, where you can find several short video tutorials on Photoshop tricks. On that website I followed one link to Layers Magazine with a bunch of useful info about Photoshop in Photography and Design. And then I end up in an interesting blog The Unofficial Photoshop Weblog. The name of the blog says much itself. I will continue to explore this new spot of Internet websites and share my discoveries with you later.
Almost forgotten about Photoshop TV with weekly podcasts and video.


Permalink 10:55:35 am, 86 words, 2547 views  
Categories: General Photography

Removing moving objects from picture

To remove people or moving cars from a picture in a single exposure, all you need is to increase the exposure time (shutter speed). That's not always easy with existing equipment. You may need to extend the shutter speed up to several minutes. But it could be achieved by using Neutral Density (ND) filters. The thing works because the amount of light reflected from people is so much smaller than from the environment (or building). So longer the exposure, the harder to notice the moving objects.

Permalink 08:32:03 am, 53 words, 1538 views  
Categories: News, General Photography

Photography Blogs

I scouted over the Internet and tried to find a few photoblogs that could be of interest to me and you.
So far here is the list (I will add more with time):

Permalink 08:23:26 am, 88 words, 1750 views  
Categories: Business of photography, General Photography

How to join Canon Professional Service

There were a lot of topics and questions all over the Internet about joining Canon Professional Services (CPS). At Photo.Net I found this topic, which discusses this issue and answers on many related questions. So far it is the best source for this kind of information I found.

Here is the contact info of CPS.

Canon USA Inc.
One Canon Place
Lake Success, NY 11042-1198
Attn: Canon Professional Services
(516) 328-4283 Phone
(516) 328-4809 Fax

CPS members are categorized into three types: working press, freelance and commercial/studio.


Permalink 05:12:09 am, 50 words, 2490 views  
Categories: News, General Photography, Photoshop and Effects

Refocus in Photoshop?

There is an interesting invention/discovery, though expensive for the market. The idea of the invention is to capture information about the direction of light so the photographer could refocus the image aftewards. But why should I explain it to you? Just read this article - Say Sayonara to Blurry Pics

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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