Category: General Photography


Permalink 05:05:42 am, 59 words, 1538 views  
Categories: Equipment, General Photography

Digital Technology Articles

In this articles you will find a lot of technical information about the digital photography. Want to know how light creates a digital image - look at Film versus Digial. There are other articles, like DOF and Diffusion
Demystifying the Confusion, Tones and Zones, Digital Histograms and more. Well, now I am going to read some of those articles myself :)


Permalink 05:03:03 am, 51 words, 5801 views  
Categories: Studio Photography, General Photography

PPF LIGHTING WORKSHOP (Lighting Dynamics) by Ed Shapiro

Do you want ot learn photography lighting and start it from the very beginning, where everything is crystal clear? Here is your chance - PPF LIGHTING WORKSHOP (Lighting Dynamics) by Ed Shapiro. You can post your questions and ideas, they will be answered. This is the Must Read for almost every photographer.

Permalink 05:01:55 am, 100 words, 1420 views  
Categories: Business of photography, Studio Photography, Wedding Photography, General Photography

ProPhotoForum - Professional Photographers Forum

May be some of you know that Ed Shapiro, which articles I have on my website, was sick for a few months. Thank God, now he is well again and back to business. It seems that he still has the same level of energy as before, so he become a moderator and prolific contributor to the the
ProPhotoForum - Professional Photographers Forum. This forum dedicated to every aspect of professional photography and you can find there answers to many of your questions. There is a special section of the forum - Ed's Workshops, which you may want to pay a special attention :)


Permalink 05:01:16 am, 97 words, 1549 views  
Categories: General Photography

Book 'The Great Picture Hunt 2: The Art and Ethics of Feature Picture Hunting'

"The great photojournalists," Labelle says (the author of the book), "are not in love with the mechanics of photography-they are in love with people and with life. Photography is the brush they use to paint the world as they see it." In his book, which I just ordered and am looking forward to read through, he teaches us how to look for and find images that make great stories. published a review which may help you to decide whether the book is for you and tells you what professional photojournalists think about this great book.

Permalink 04:59:58 am, 32 words, 1332 views  
Categories: General Photography

Lighting Seminar (video)

In two parts of this video (published on you can learn about setting your lights and basic metering techniques, such as how to control exposure with a bright lit background.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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