Categories: Photoshop and Effects, Tips


Permalink 09:12:59 am, 59 words, 1088 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects, Tips

Photoshop Tip: Resize and Keep Proportions

PS Tip
Have you tried to resize the object and found that it's very easy to mess up the proportions? Me too. But there is an easy fix to that - hold Shift and adjust the size. You have to remember only one small detail - release the mouse button before the Shift key.
Note: This works in Crop and Selection as well.


Permalink 01:18:18 pm, 92 words, 1186 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects, Tips

Photoshop Tip: Lines with Brush

PS Tip
Once in a while we need to draw a line or have an edge that we draw with a brush. For example, we need a smooth border in a layer mask. Not that ago (before learning this technique) I used my hand movement to do such thing, and most of the time I missed :)
Though there is an easy way. Simply click with brush where the start of the line shoud be and while holding Shift click on the other end of the line. Yes, it is that simple, but how convenient!

Permalink 09:04:04 am, 243 words, 1798 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

Effects with Camera Raw

Against The Contrast
During my latest hike in Shenandoah mountains I took this photograph (above). By looking at the image you may think that I had to do a lot of manipulations in post-processing. Strangely, not at all. The main effect (bluish background with the fall) is achieved in Camera Raw. I simply played with the image in the Camera Raw tool before actually opening it in Photoshop. You want to find out how?

=> Read more!


Permalink 10:14:29 am, 94 words, 1113 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects, Tips

Photoshop Tip - Level The Horizon

Is your image crooked? Not a problem, there is a quick fix for that. Switch to Measure tool - under the droplet (Shift-I) and draw the line along your lines in the picture, which should be vertical or horizontal. It could be the horizon line or a wall of a building - simply mark the line that should be straight. And the go to the main menu - Image, Rotate Canvas, Arbitratry. The angle will be already there. Press OK and here it is - your image is straight, you just have to crop off the unwanted areas.

Permalink 09:59:40 am, 108 words, 3315 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects, Tips

Photoshop Tip - Crop Tool Snapping

Crop Snapping
Have you ever tried to precisely crop an image when there are just a few pixels that you want to get rid of? The crop tool just snaps to the document border or to the layer border. Sometimes I just zoom in to make the difference much larger and then adjust the crop area.
But there is a better way - Hold Ctrl key (or Command on Mac) and adjust the crop area to precisely crop your image - down to a pixel.
As well when you use your crop tool you can easily move the crop area with the arrow keys and zoom in/out with Ctrl/Command "+/-" keys.

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