
Permalink 04:47:41 pm, 245 words, 2188 views  
Categories: Wedding Photography

Recovery from Wedding Photography Disaster

Have you ever been in situation, when the "F-word" comes to mind and slips off your tongue? Well, I just had it - this weekend. After the wedding I successfully downloaded the photographs from the first CF and inserted the second one into the card reader. Ooops - nothing, all the images are lost. How come? I just looked at those images!
OK. This wasn't the best moment of my life. The CF card had about 800(!) images that could be lost forever. Why do I say "could be"? Because I had the faith and knowledge to be sure that the images were still on the CF, but somehow the FAT (File Allocation Table) on the card was corrupted.
So, when I came home, I started looking for solution - searched on "FAT recovery repair". One of the links that come up was - DiskInternal.
As it turned out, they have several solutions to recover lost files. And there is a good while simple in use tool - DiskInternals Flash Recovery. It works specifically with flash cards (removable drives) and recovers lost images. You don't have to know anything about the technicalities - simply press the button and your images are back! That's what saved me. Otherwise the image you see here would be lost as many others.
I suggest that before buying the software you try the trial version to see that it will recover your images. The trial images allow you to save only small files. The full version costs $39.


Permalink 12:33:14 pm, 275 words, 3894 views  
Categories: Studio Photography

A Signle Sunlight Photography Approach

Yesterday I was shooting a portfolio for a want-to-be-a-model girl (name - Polina). We didn't go any far, just climbed on the roof and used the sunlight as the main and the only source of light. And here I want to share how I created this light to illuminate the girl.

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Permalink 02:57:24 pm, 541 words, 63231 views  
Categories: Studio Photography

Baby Photography Session - Meet Parker

This weekend I was asked to make a photograph of a baby and his mom for an advertisment in a magazine. The advertisement will be about artificial fertilization. So the idea was to capture the connection between the mom and the baby, and express the excitement(?) of being a mom, but still concentrate on the baby. My friend asked Hilley (the mom) - I hope, I have not misspelled the name - to participate in the shoot with her little Parker.
And here is how I've done the photographs...

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Permalink 09:40:11 am, 105 words, 1071 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

Tips & Techniques from Photoshop Users Groups

PS Users Group
While wandering in the vast seas of the Internet I found another island of information - "Photoshop Users Groups". As I understood it's a group of people interested in Photoshop, who at the meetings are discussing and exchanging information on various topics related to Photoshop. One of their pages (Tips & Techniques) holds a collection of good links to such resources as: BW Conversion, Camera RAW, DNG, HDR, Infrared, Keyboard Shortcuts, Lens Correction, and etc.
I recommend that you look at the other page called "Past Meetings", there you will find links to PDF documents about digital workflow, discussions about photo labs, and more interesting info.


Permalink 02:06:55 pm, 110 words, 1100 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

Adobe Blogs - Personal Look of Adobe Corporation

Adobe Blogs
Most of the time large corporations loose their person's face and become a huge lump of something impersonal. But there are thousands of people, who are affecting our lives in one way or another. Adobe Corporation is one of such giants that affect live of photographers around the world. How many people there do you know? Adobe Blogs is such a way to learn about those people and learn from them.
For instance, Jeff Tranberry has written several good posts on scripting in Photoshop. Scott Byer writes interesting stories about the underbelly of Photoshop and struggles it brings. Or read posts of one of the most prolific bloggers - John Nack.

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When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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