
Permalink 01:39:52 pm, 89 words, 1655 views  
Categories: Business of photography

How to Market Your Local Business on the Internet

Small Business Branding
Yaro Starak maintains his blog "Small Business Branding", which name already tells a lot. And if you look deeper into the posts you will find one called "How to Market Your Local Business on the Internet". In this post Yaro pin points several important factors that affect your marketing on the Internet, such as clearly stating your local area, listing the benefits, defining your difference and so on.
I suggest that you look through the other posts in this blog to find more information on marketing on the Internet.


Permalink 02:43:03 pm, 56 words, 1523 views  
Categories: Business of photography

The Viral Garden's Top 25 Marketing blogs

Viral Garden
Mack Collier has compiled a list of top 25 marketing blogs based on their ranks in Google and Alexa search engines. This is a great list to learn more about marketing approaches and techniques to boost your business.
And you don't have to walk far to find another good blog about marketing - simply start reading Mack's blog.

Permalink 09:42:28 am, 126 words, 1308 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects, Tips

Photoshop Tip - Perspective Control while Resizing

PS Tip
We often resize objects to fit into a certain size. And such operation has a short cut - Ctrl-T (free transformation). But sometimes we need an additional tweak of the perspective. There is a separate menu item to do so: Edit, Transform, Perspective. This tool is useful, though most of the time something simpler would suffice. And that's a neat trick in Ctrl-T mode - while holding Ctrl key drag any of the corners to freely adjust the shape.
Note: You may drag the sides as well, and to lock the movement only to one of the directions hold Ctrl and Shift.
Extra: To ensure that your lines are straight in the picture (while adjusting perspective) press Ctrl-' to reveal the grid (press once more to hide it).

Permalink 09:04:35 am, 108 words, 1273 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

GIMPshop insetad of Photoshop

You probably heard about GIMP, the free photoshop-like software. This is an open source project, which resulted in a robust software with many features, you may even compare it with Photoshop, though Photoshop was on the market for years and they have a lot of money and time to tune up and upgrade the application.
What is GIMPShop? Well, GIMPshop is a adjustred version of the GIMP. The idea was to make the UI more like Photoshop. And now GIMPshopw is available for Mac OS as well as Windows. You may want to findout the difference between Photoshop and GIMPshop, so read the post at blog on GIMPShop.

Permalink 08:38:50 am, 84 words, 4066 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

Latest news from Adobe (Photoshop)

PS News

To hold your finger on the pulse of latest news from Adbobe about Photoshop, there is a special website for such people - PhotoshopNews.com. As one of such news is the latest update of Photoshop software or update to Bridge application.

For example, there is even a post:

From the Adobe Photoshop Windows User to User Forums comes a report that the 9.0.1 update for Windows effect mouse clicks on menus in some cases. Menues require an extra click to regain focus from non-maximized document.

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