
Permalink 07:33:37 pm, 56 words, 1225 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

Show of Photoshop How-To Tricks by Russell Brown

Russel Brown
Have you seen "The Russell Brown Show"? No, it's not on TV. It's on the Internet. Russel performs various tricks with Photoshop, but he doesn't hold any secrets from you. He gives them away in Tips & Techniques section of his website. And it's an instant bookmark in my browser, which is Firefox by the way :).

Permalink 07:19:45 pm, 127 words, 1248 views  
Categories: Business of photography, Equipment, Web & Presentation

Learn How to Frame an Image

Who knows how to frame an image rise a hand! Not many as I see. Don't worry it seems that I don't know either.
Why would you want to learn about framing? Several reasons. For instance, you may need to frame a photograph, which you bought at a flea market and want to get a best frame and a best deal. You may want to speak with the guy who does the framing and do it on a professional level. Or may be you are selling your own photographs and need to frame quite a bunch, that's why you are thinking about doing it in-house.
So if you are interested, then let's learn about it at StartFraming.com. There are many good educational articles on this topic.


Permalink 01:45:31 pm, 112 words, 1193 views  
Categories: General Photography

How to Control Tone and Contrast in BW Conversion

BW ConversionThis article is a new and better version of an existing one (called "Complex Black and White Conversion) that was revamped specially for you. It explains how to select and manipulate tone and contrast compostions in conversion of a color image into a black and white image, and how to add some effects and finally present it. The process may appear to be complex and cumbersome, but it provides a lot of possibilities to control the contrast and tones using a mix of channels and variations of blending modes.
I would realy apreciate your feedback on this article, because I am going to redo the other 50+ articles. That's why every critique counts.

Permalink 10:33:39 am, 457 words, 78056 views  
Categories: Business of photography, Studio Photography, Wedding Photography, Web & Presentation

ExpressDigital Darkroom v8.7

Darkroom Software
If you are a serious photographer and manage a lot of photographs, you may want to consider an investment into a tool that would cover most (if not all) of your day to day activities. ExpressDigital offers a matured version of such a tool - Darkroom v8.7.

=> Read more!

Permalink 08:38:56 am, 17 words, 1572 views  
Categories: Studio Photography, Wedding Photography, General Photography

March/April Issue of the Lens Online Magazine

Lens Online
A bi-monthly online magazine published by CPQ Professional Imaging. You can see prior issues in the archive.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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