
Permalink 07:05:43 pm, 48 words, 2769 views  
Categories: Business of photography, Wedding Photography

Tips for Wedding Professionals

If you are in the wedding business (whether catering, flourist or wedding photography) the website "Sell The Bride" gives a few useful business tips on how to improve your business and statistics. As well you may want to check the list of resources suggested by the website owners.

Permalink 06:35:12 pm, 116 words, 2174 views  
Categories: General Photography

Pet Photography Tips

"Photographing a cat or a dog takes a lot of patience, but the results are well worth the effort. After all, your furry, four-footed companion is a member of your family and a good photograph of your pet will be treasured for years to come. Here are some tips for taking outstanding pictures of your family pet..." - that's how the tutorial starts. Read on to find out how to take a better picture of your pet.
Though I want to add one more tip to those explained in the tutorial: keep the camera on the level of the eyes of your pet. It will give your cat or dog more weight (read - respect) in the photograph.


Permalink 10:24:06 pm, 49 words, 9633 views  
Categories: Studio Photography, General Photography

The Mere Exposure Effect

Bob Shepherd wrote the article quite a while back about this effect, which is known by many for much longer time. Though I just found out about it. This is an interesting phenomenon discovered by psychologysts. And I am not going to tell you more, just read the article.

Permalink 09:21:54 pm, 55 words, 11208 views  
Categories: General Photography

Canon Camera Museum

canon equipment
Have you ever been interested in the histrory of photography in the Canon dimension? You don't have to leave your chair to visit the museum, which will tell you the whole story - just vist the Canon Camera Museum. The history of over 70 year will unfold in front of you. There story covers years from 1933 to 2004.


Permalink 10:15:43 pm, 130 words, 1121 views  
Categories: Web & Presentation

Xyle Scope - Great HTML & CSS Tool

I am really impressed by the tool. If you like me strugle to create a correct XHTML code and use many different CSS (where you could lose yourself easily), then this tool will give you the X-Ray look into your code. It's so easy to find what is wrong with your code and what style and CSS affect this particular element. The only sad thing about this tool is that you cannot edit the text, though you have the ability to launch an external editor. And the last sweet thing is that the cost is only $19.99. Oh, I almost forgotten about the list of great bookmarks, which will help you with HTML and CSS design (tutorials and tips mostly).
But you have to be Mac user to work with it.

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