Archives for: October 2004, 18


Permalink 08:09:34 am, 127 words, 866 views  
Categories: General Photography

Advice on Black and White

An old trick is to view your subject through a dark green filter- that gives you an idea of how the subject will look in black and white. Another way is to look in a brown filter, it gove similar effect but better suitable for street photography.
If you like to shoot black and white, try to use a green filter on the camera when working out of doors. It gives a healthy flesh tome and lightens dark green foliage so that dark suits and hair does not merge with the background. A light yellow filter when used in a (flash) portrait set up, produces pearly skin tones in portraits of the bride- combine that with a bit of soft focus and you have a wonderful effect.

Permalink 08:02:06 am, 194 words, 707 views  
Categories: Business of photography

Starting a Business

I had the idea for several month, but there was some resistance to put much effort into it and the thought that actually doing photography as a business will kill the pleasure I have from doing it. So the my way to the business was slow, but yesterday I decided to get a tighter grip on the idea and start doing something in this direction.
My first step was to plan the whole thing, which lead me to creating a business plan. I searched the internet and found several resources to learn about the beast:

Well, I am just on the second page of my business plan. I will post more of the ideas and thoughts on the topic. I better get back to writing the business plan ;)

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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