Archives for: March 2006, 09


Permalink 03:08:14 pm, 40 words, 1483 views  
Categories: News

Links from William Eric McFadden

Eric McFadden keeps a very big list of useful links to internet resources related to photography. Actually there are two pages. The first page contains everything except "Guides to Photography". Check it out - there is a lot to dig out.

Permalink 02:55:32 pm, 99 words, 14906 views  
Categories: News, Business of photography, Studio Photography, Wedding Photography, Web & Presentation

"Lost" articles of NYIP

New York Institute of Photography (NYIP) publishes various articles on its website. The articles cover all kinds of topics from equipment and photographer's website development to photography techniques. There is only one catch. If you miss the moment when the article is published and time passes, it's near to impossible to find the article. At least I could not find any kind of index or a sitemap. Though William Eric McFadden on his page of Ohio University website posts a list of articles from NYIP (along with other links) - just scroll down to "New York Institute of Photography" section.

Permalink 08:50:36 am, 183 words, 3171 views  
Categories: News, Photographs, Studio Photography

Learn from ANTM

For last few weeks I often watch TV series shown on UPN and VH1 channels. The show is called "America's Next Top Model". The host of the show is Tyra Banks. It's not only entertaining and pleasure to watch (check out out those girls). But there is a lot interesting and useful information for us photographers.
OK. The show is about selection of girl, who will have a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl company and most probably will launch her modeling career. The selection is a contest based one. Through series of tests from dances and acting to photoshoots the girls fight for the first place. The photoshoots are the most frequent test they take. And there are various sets and goals for those photoshoots.
May be not all photographers will find that should such usefuls as I did, though I learned a lot about what is required from a model, certain standards and requirements, used props and lighting setups. And again it's just a pleasure to watch. For example, look at the photographs in the girls' portfolios - Nicole (one of the best) and others.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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