Archives for: March 2006, 29


Permalink 12:27:58 pm, 162 words, 1973 views  
Categories: Business of photography, Web & Presentation

The e-Commerce Safety Guide

One of my tasks to-do is to incorporate a shopping cart, so the visitors could by my photographs. Such endevour requires a merchant function enabling the visitors use credit cards. Currently I am looking closely on PayPal services. One of which is the Shopping Cart. PayPal is widely used and trusted; and visitors would not need to provide their credit card information as it is stated in PayPal's The e-Commerce Safety Guide:
"When purchasing something using PayPal, users simply carry out the transaction through their PayPal accounts, rather than a credit card. PayPal then charges each purchase to the individual’s credit card or checking account. Because all PayPal transactions are based on the user’s e-mail address, merchants never have access to the user’s account information. This method is safer, more secure and more convenient than providing financial information to multiple sites of individual sellers."
This guide provides a lot of information on online fraud, identity theft and similar topics.

Permalink 12:11:08 pm, 145 words, 1136 views  
Categories: Web & Presentation

Yahoo! User Interface Library

Yahoo guys released their User Interface library with a lot of components, which you could use to enhance the design of your website. Here is what it is all about:
"The Yahoo! User Interface Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, HTML and AJAX. The UI Library Utilities facilitate the implementation of rich client-side features by enhancing and normalizing the developer's interface to important elements of the browser infrastructure (such as events, in-page HTTP requests and the DOM). The Yahoo UI Library Controls produce visual, interactive user interface elements on the page with just a few lines of code and an included CSS file. All the components in the Yahoo! User Interface Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses."

Permalink 11:49:43 am, 71 words, 2036 views  
Categories: Web & Presentation

Make Your Visitors Do What You Want Them To

There is a very good article at "A List Apart" (as almost any published there). This article explains why we loose clients that want to recieve what we offer them (through our websites), how we can improve their experience and finally make them do what we want them to do (buy, sucbscribe, provide opinion, etc.) That applies to any kind of websites - it's about transfering the energy and reducing the friction.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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