Archives for: May 2006, 22


Permalink 02:06:55 pm, 110 words, 1056 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

Adobe Blogs - Personal Look of Adobe Corporation

Adobe Blogs
Most of the time large corporations loose their person's face and become a huge lump of something impersonal. But there are thousands of people, who are affecting our lives in one way or another. Adobe Corporation is one of such giants that affect live of photographers around the world. How many people there do you know? Adobe Blogs is such a way to learn about those people and learn from them.
For instance, Jeff Tranberry has written several good posts on scripting in Photoshop. Scott Byer writes interesting stories about the underbelly of Photoshop and struggles it brings. Or read posts of one of the most prolific bloggers - John Nack.

Permalink 01:39:52 pm, 89 words, 1574 views  
Categories: Business of photography

How to Market Your Local Business on the Internet

Small Business Branding
Yaro Starak maintains his blog "Small Business Branding", which name already tells a lot. And if you look deeper into the posts you will find one called "How to Market Your Local Business on the Internet". In this post Yaro pin points several important factors that affect your marketing on the Internet, such as clearly stating your local area, listing the benefits, defining your difference and so on.
I suggest that you look through the other posts in this blog to find more information on marketing on the Internet.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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