Archives for: April 2006, 05


Permalink 09:40:07 pm, 64 words, 49379 views  
Categories: Equipment

Insides of Canon Digital SLR Cameras

Canon DSLR
I continued to explore the Canon's website and here is another piece of valuable information - a deep look into technologies of Canon Digital SLRs. You can learn there about how the camera focuses, the light is metered and exposure is taken. And a few extras: articles on infrared-cut low-pass filter, 16.7 megapixels full frame 35mm CMOS sensor and high performance digital imaging (DIGIC II processor).

Permalink 08:59:09 pm, 66 words, 1448 views  
Categories: Equipment, General Photography

Canon Science Lab

[Canon Science Lab]
Sometimes we overlook the obvious. For instance, how many of us explored the websites of the camera manufacturers? I admit, only now I looked closer at Canon's website. And here is what I found - Canon Science Lab. Even if you are pretty confident about your knowledge about the light, its physics, qualities and applications, you still may find something new among the articles of the Lab.

Permalink 07:05:43 pm, 48 words, 2714 views  
Categories: Business of photography, Wedding Photography

Tips for Wedding Professionals

If you are in the wedding business (whether catering, flourist or wedding photography) the website "Sell The Bride" gives a few useful business tips on how to improve your business and statistics. As well you may want to check the list of resources suggested by the website owners.

Permalink 06:35:12 pm, 116 words, 2111 views  
Categories: General Photography

Pet Photography Tips

"Photographing a cat or a dog takes a lot of patience, but the results are well worth the effort. After all, your furry, four-footed companion is a member of your family and a good photograph of your pet will be treasured for years to come. Here are some tips for taking outstanding pictures of your family pet..." - that's how the tutorial starts. Read on to find out how to take a better picture of your pet.
Though I want to add one more tip to those explained in the tutorial: keep the camera on the level of the eyes of your pet. It will give your cat or dog more weight (read - respect) in the photograph.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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