Archives for: April 2006, 18


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Categories: Equipment

Digital Angle Viewfinder for DSLR from Argraph


Zigview - the World's first digital angle view finder for digital SLR. Here is how it described by the manufacturer:

ZIGVIEW simply attaches to the eyepiece of your digital or film SLR cameras and displays the image in real time on a 2 inch/TFT color display for easy viewing at any angle.

The Zigview is particularly useful for low angle photography where you would struggle to see through the viewfinder especially with macro work, high angle situations such as press work where it is impossible to see the subject when taking pictures over crowds, and for copy work, etc. Zigview makes it easy to see the subject without difficulty in these, and many more situations.


Argraph offers two models of the viewfinder: SC-V100B - $249 and SC-V100R - $299. The more advanced one (SC-V100R) has additional capabilities, such as cable shutter release, interval shutter selease (intervalometer), and motion detection shutter release.

For some time now I was thinking about buying Canon Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3, which price is $133. But after learning about ZigView, I am strongly thinking about the ZigView-R (the advanced model). It combines the viewfinder with all those nice features. And it will be more compact - one piece instead of two.

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