Archives for: April 2006, 27


Permalink 06:56:02 pm, 9 words, 1126 views  
Categories: Photographs

Charles Miller Photography

Charles Miller
The galleries of beautiful pictures created by Charles Miller.

Permalink 06:02:03 pm, 48 words, 1067 views  
Categories: Photoshop and Effects

Masking with Calculations

Sometimes we encounter situations when simple masking/selection doesn't work or is too time consuming to do it right. That's why professionals like to have a whole arsenal of tools to make that perfect selection. Here is another trick to tuck under the belt - Masking with Calculations (PDF).

Permalink 05:41:15 pm, 143 words, 1677 views  
Categories: Equipment

Digital Cameras Leave Unique 'Pixel' Fingerprints

Fingerprint image

This article reveals technology that could prove that an image was taken by a cerain camera based on the "fingerprint" of the camera:

In technical terms, Fridrich and her co-inventors Jan Lukas and Miroslav Goljan found that every digital picture is overlaid by a weak noise-like pattern of pixel-to-pixel non-uniformity. As with fingerprints, that digital noise pattern will be consistent among all images taken from the same camera.

Though this technology is intended to be used against child pornography (as it exaplained in the article), I think that the same technology could be used to prove the copyrights of photographers on their photographs. The only thing is that the cameras should be legaly registered (the fingerprints scanned). So later on when the camera changed the owner, you still can prove that an image was taken by your camera. Well, you got the idea.

Permalink 04:21:49 pm, 88 words, 5528 views  
Categories: General Photography, Web & Presentation

How long will your digital prints really last?

There are different papers, printers and inks. And, of course, there are different conditions where the prints are stored or diplayed. All of it affect the longetivity of the print. You probably heard or read about different lifespans of a digital print, but were those statements as true as it realy is? The following article (in PDF file) casts some light on when you can expect the skin tones on your photo turn green (or yellow?).
Want to learn more? Here is the list of articles for you.

Permalink 03:40:08 pm, 85 words, 1330 views  
Categories: General Photography

Infrared Basketball Photography

Infrared Basketball
Photo by Tom Dahlin
Illuminated by two sources: Dahlin's ceiling mounted Dynalights and the floor level IR flash. Here the ceiling strobes were used to add a little fill light to the background, and were dialed down to be about 1 stop below the floor strobe.

What an interesting approach to sport photography. Read the article on about an assignment where the client was "... looking for unique images beyond the standard through the glass, overhead, and post remotes stuff we all shoot so much of ...".

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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