Archives for: April 2006, 11


Permalink 10:59:20 am, 61 words, 1317 views  
Categories: General Photography

Article: Long Exposure

Long Exposure
Usually the photographs we take have very short shutter speeds – fractions of a second. And there are a lot of articles about such photographs. However when you step into the realm of long exposures, you find many interesting things and effects. In this article I will try to explain several known to me techniques that relate to usage of long exposures.

Permalink 10:08:22 am, 134 words, 1912 views  
Categories: General Photography

Splash Photography

And once more Andrew Davidhazy (professor at Rochester Institute of Technology) provides us with an insight into Splash Photography. He was right when said that splash photography seems so easy, but it's not:
"Making a photograph of something as simple as the splash of a water drop as it impacts a liquid surface may seem easy but there are a number of things which soon become apparent and which make the process much more complicated than it first appears."
I looked deeper into this topic and found another explanation and techniques at website of North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. As well there is a short article "Making a splash with high speed photography technique" at

Note: The photographs shown here are made by Andrew Davidhazy and could be seen here.

Permalink 09:47:45 am, 49 words, 16742 views  
Categories: Equipment

Home-made Adapter for Canon FD lenses on EOS bodies

An interesting Do-It-Yourself approach to use old Cannon FD lens on newer Canon EOS bodies. Andrew Davidhazy even attached the Canon Rebel Digital to a 1000mm f/11 Celestron C90 telesope. You may want to look into the article if you have FD lenses and still want to use them.

Permalink 09:33:04 am, 74 words, 1073 views  
Categories: Photographs

Worth 1000 Contests

Want to find new ideas? Or want to put your skills to a test? Check out There are plenty of photographs submitted to various contests. You can submit your own and get a critique and/or win a contest.
By the way, there are contests dedicated to Photoshop, Text and Multimedia as well.

Note: The photograph shown in the blog was taken by one of the contestants and could be seen here.

Photography Things

When we find something interesting and useful, which we want to return to and share with others, it will be posted here. It could be about composition, digital effects, photoshop, photography business or links to interesting websites.

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